Today was the first day of classes after our break and we started full steam with a marathon day from 9AM till 6PM, but it was a great start. After finishing our Economics class in the morning, we discussed the globalization of sports in our Sports and Society class.
Around 3:30 we got a visit from Arch Fuston of the Active Network. Active Network is a San Diego based company with around 600 employees and has locations all over the world. A couple of weeks ago we received the first speaker in our class from Active, Mitch Thrower. Arch is an art director at Active in San Diego and started an initiative called ActiveX, a thirty minute crossfit workout during their break for Active's employees. This project was born out of his love for crossfit (which is an intense strength and conditioning training) and his need for a workout during a break. As Arch mentioned, it's something else rather than “boring” sweating in the gym.
Soon, more and more employees wanted to join and management and HR realized what a huge return on investment it has for the company: health benefits, less sick days, motivation, networking and team bonding, and free publicity for Active Network (i.e. the brand ActiveX was born and is still in its starting phase). The plan is to build this brand and initiative further, starting at other Active locations. Started as a grassroots project with only a couple of people, ActiveX is becoming a brand of its own and Arch will switch over to managing this project full-time, instead of his art directing function.
Once Arch left, SMBA '11 led the Leadership class in a series of hip-pocket classes, which are short 10-minute classes about something you have expertise. It was a long marathon day, but we paced ourselves.
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